This Is What The Color of Your Egg Yolk Means

This Is What The Color of Your Egg Yolk Means 

Do you know what the color of your egg yolk implies? When you make scrambled eggs, you may notice that some yolks have different colors than others. But do you know why? A few people say the color of the egg yolk can say a great deal regarding the health of the chicken. They say that the darker, rounder, and firmer, the happier the chicken that laid it.

Normally this means that the hen was raised free-range and was fed well. On the other hand, they say that a clearer egg yolk means that the hen was raised on a farm, in a coop, spending hours confined indoors in the dark, and was produced on a large scale.

But which of the two yolks is the healthiest? When the yolk is lighter, the chicken was most likely consuming a great deal of wheat, which makes the egg yolk color different when compared to the free-range chicken's egg yolk that has a very orange color. Certainly, the yellow yolk would be the most nutritious one, but according to research, it’s the other way around.

The orange yolks are found in the healthiest eggs. According to the head of the Center for Egg Nutrition, free-range chickens have the opportunity to eat more pigmented foods, which makes their eggs more nutritious and their yolks have stronger colors.

Its darker yolks also indicate the presence of omega-3 fatty acids and xanthophylls (pigments found in dark green vegetables) in the chicken feed. Free-range chickens eggs are also richer in vitamins A, D, and E. In any case, this isn't the main reason that you have to abstain from devouring eggs with lighter yolks.

According to the Egg Nutrition Center, farm eggs and free-range hens have an identical nutritional match when it comes to the number of fats, proteins, and cholesterol. So regardless of the color, the taste and nutritional value won't change. Since we’re talking about eggs, how do we know if they’re fresh?

Here’s how: 

Put 25 grams of salt in a jar with 1 liter of water and then soak the egg: If the egg sinks it’s fresh. If it floats near the bottom, it’s t 1 to 4 days old. If it floats on top but does not reach the surface, it’s about 1 week old. If the egg stands straight up on the bottom of the jar, it’s very old, so don’t eat it!

This Is What The Color of Your Egg Yolk Means

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