Home remedies for headache and eye pain

Home remedies for headache and eye pain

    Everyone knows that eyes and head pains are very damaging  to our physical and mental work.These are due to many reasons including some bacterial and viral diseases which bring eyes and head pains to you.But the main causing factor of these pain is you life style.This includes your way of sleeping,working and many more.Follow a  healthy lifestyle and maintain proper eye care.

Here are some very simple life style changes if you are facing any or both of eyes or head pains.

Apply cold or hot compresses

       Easing headaches can be done by soaking your feet in hot water and your hands in cold water. You may also wish to place a cold compress on your forehead.

Take diet properly

 Staying well hydrated can reduce the risk of headaches. It’s also important that you avoid smoking, alcohol, processed foods and medications that cause your hormones to fluctuate in order to further reduce your risk of headaches.

Use steam to relieve congestion associated with sinusitis.


           A great choice for the relief of tension headache. Begin by lying on your back, preferably on a hard surface. Using your thumbs, gently press into the back of your skull, applying pressure as long as you can while still comfortable. It may also be beneficial to trace the area of your skull where the pain is located with your thumbs as you apply pressure.

Use oils

       Lavender oil has been found to be effective for relieving headache pain quickly. Additionally, the use of peppermint oil and eucalyptus oil can provide a cooling effect when applied to the temples, relieving.

Reduce stress

     Stress is a great source of headaches and is known to be the main cause of tension and exertional types, as well as aggravating migraines and trigeminal neuralgia. Several natural stress-reducing remedies can be used to help mitigate your headache risk, such as drinking chamomile tea.

Enough sleep

         An important part of everyone’s lives, getting adequate amounts of sleep is the best way to recharge your body and promote physical health. Those who suffer from constant headaches should prioritize sleep more as studies have shown that good sleep patterns can help reduce the frequency of migraines and even lessen their intensity.

     Massage therapy 

      A direct way to relieve headaches behind or above the left eye by massaging your temples and neck. This will help provide instant pain and tension reduction. Massage therapy can be effective for chronic headache sufferers, helping to reduce frequency and intensity over time.

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