Overcoming all the germs floating around now, having a remedy at your disposal is critical. Knowing how to cure COVID-19 or the Corona virus in case you come down with it is ultimately important.
Staying healthy is everyone's main concern. Giving you my latest resounding cure from this dreaded disease.
Preventing coming down with this feared germ is your primary concern. Knowing how to treat it in case you do fall victim to it, is your best line of defense.
So happy to get this information out, could hardly wait to start writing this article. Feeling like an old western medicine show, with this magic potion. Everything is over the counter, suggested below.
Be Prepared!
Understanding how a common cold, influenza spreads like wildfire. Across continents, into cities, infecting just about everyone, even at local schools.Having top level advice in your preparedness is essential.
All someone has to do is sneeze, then virus spores become airborne. Floating around, suspended in thin air, waiting for an unsuspecting host to walk by, breathing them in.
Listing below, exactly what I did just a few weeks ago, using this corrective antidote. After coming down with a cold or flu virus, that could very well have been the COVID-19.
No, and I'm not suggesting you run out, getting a dusk-mask, wearing it to go grocery shopping.
Therapeutic COVID-19 Remedy, Common Household Products
Therapeutic remedies curing COVID-19, Corona-virus, using common over-the-counter- household products, you'll be flat-out amazed. I feel like Doc on Gunsmoke, or Festus coming down with an aliment, as you will later understand.
Last month, watching the news, hearing a virus was spreading across China, taking several lives. Later, it was believed those taken ill by eating uncooked bat meat. I said, "Wow, those folks really need properly cook wild game meat".
Had no idea I'd discover a therapeutic remedy that is still working, a month later. Actually realizing same exact remedy that has cured countless individuals over last 150 years.
Do you cook your meat medium or well done?
If you don't cook Pork, you can become very ill. Several years ago, heard where a young lady started having massive headaches. Weeks later, after doing a cat-scan, doctors removed a microorganism, a worm-type slug the size of a fingernail from the back of her upper neck.
I said, "I don't have to worry about bat meat, or uncooked pork thank goodness. Went on about my daily activities.
Hearing this again in the news, China was shutting down entire cities, with only a handful of cases. Seemed like this was very unusual and over the top, but since being a Communist country, it did not seem too out of place.
By that time, hearing China was shutting down three metropolitan cities. I was wondering if my placebo sickness was kicking in, feeling ill at the same time.
Remembered staying up late that evening, wanting something sweet. Went out to our freezer in the garage, taking out 2 Outshine Lime Fruit Bars, bringing back in eating them.
Seemed like after consuming the second fruit bar, my throat felt scratchy, but went on to bed. They tasted OK, but not sure if they both were freezer burned, riddled with bacteria or not. Felt right after eating them, something was diffidently wrong with my throat.
That next morning, my head was filled with congestion. Feeling like I was run over by a truck. Took a couple of Advil, which seemed to ease the pressure only for a short while.
Believe this was on a Wednesday , knowing our family doctor is off on Fridays through Sunday. Not going to see him on Thursday, I knew I was on my own till Monday. If not better on Monday, I was going to be his first patient.
Gathering Meds to Cure Corona Virus
Driving around that next morning, my cold was in full swing. Sneezing, my entire upper body felt pressure, and congested, I said "That's all I need". Being over 60, I was getting a little concerned of my upper respiratory pressure.
Driving past a Walgreens™, I said to myself, I'm heading in, finding something! Walked down the cold isle where most of these medicines are shown. So many to choose from, it was like walking through a sea of choices.
Many different cold medicines, all different prices, thinking the highest priced, would be the best. So, found most expensive medication on the shelf.
Picked up Sambucol Black Elderberry Cold & Flu Relief (30 ea )30 ea and headed right over to the pharmacist. Asking if he's heard of good results of people using this. Had never asked a pharmacist before, but this time, wanting to make sure, as I desperately wanted to get rid of this nasty cold. Having no idea if it was the COVID-19 or not. Didn't care at this point.
To my surprise, the pharmacist on duty said NO.
I was surprised with his answer, but glad of his honesty. Went on to say "That is just a home remedy, and would not find much relief". Asking him what he would recommend, he pointed to the vitamin isle, closest to both of us, in plain view. Suggesting Echinacea, which supports immune system health. Not feeling like this was going to do the trick, but bought them anyway. Figuring he must know something, I didn't.
Instructing me, take 2 capsules of Echinacea morning and night. Drink plenty of water, and Orange juice, getting vitamin C, and get plenty of rest. Everything we've heard all our lives, except of taking Echinacea.
Orange juice
Plenty of water
Vick's Vapor Rub
Cough drops
Good Bourbon Whiskey
Plugging in the ol' vaporizer, using Vick's salve, smelling like a medicine cabinet. Buying a full family pack of Kleenex ready to use, back at home. I felt like I had just been to a local medicine wagon with all the sore throat lozenges, salves, and pills.
Telling me to take these morning and evening, along with a daily dose of orange juice, I stocked up on both. Flushing as much out as possible, drinking plenty of water. Boy did I drink a lot that day. Not seeing any immediate results, I knew I was combating this virus head-on.
After already taken Echinacea, massive amounts of vitamin C, and plenty of drinking water one full day, still not feeling much better. Knowing I needed to get over this, questioning if this was the Corona virus, but really didn't matter, feeling so bad.
Driving around, but careful not exposing others, just stayed in my truck. Making visits viewing future paint jobs we have scheduled, wiping and blowing my nose, making notes at each location. Moving to the next address, doing the same.
On my way back home, seeing that same Walgreens™ on the corner. Feeling that anything I've done for one day hasn't kicked in yet. My throat still felt rough, likely coming down with a massive cough very soon! You know that feeling. How you feel with an approaching cough that day before you really get it. Well, I was feeling that same anticipated cold symptom.
Man, I can dredge through a stopped up nasal passages, but a cough? A cough alerts everyone around you, disrupting sleeping patterns, and just horrible for yourself and close others.
In that same shopping center where Walgreens™ is located, viewing a large liquor store.
Remembering sore throats, coughs, and whiskey. Great having some good whiskey on hand for approaching, and aggravating cough has for many years, has always been a great home remedy medication.
My Antidote To Cure Corona-virus
Pulling right up, going into larger liquor store, went straight to the bourbon isle. Passing up vodka, tequila, seeing some very common brands. Looking over a massive selection, my eyes fixed upon Jim Beam's Double Oak. Twice Barreled, I could tell it would be very smooth. Looked really smooth.
Walking up to the cashier, a large man at the end of the register who was there to help bag, or box everyone's selections. Mine only one bottle, we had time to chat for a brief moment while my order rang up.
Mentioned to him I felt bad, coming down with something, throat sore, and expecting a cough soon. The more reason getting this! Getting rid of what ever I was coming down with. Reassured me this was a very smooth, higher quality whiskey.
Had to take matters in my own hands, getting serious, as fine whiskey is nothing to sneeze about. When you sip, slurp, or sallow a shot of whiskey, you know it. Cannot mistake it from any other thing. No other medication tastes like this, actually doing something.
Well, brought it home around 1pm, opened the seal, and poured couple shots over few ice cubes. Sipped on it several hours, working on my desktop computer. As the evening progressed, kept adding few more ice cubes, filling cocktail glass with more Jim Beam.
I assume, after having 5-6 shots over a 5-6 hour period, after slurring a few text messages, I went on upstairs to bed. Falling right to sleep, slept all night long.
Woke up the next morning, bright and early, I felt like a new person! Never having any ruminates of the congestion I had the day before!
I Was Cured!
What's even better, my throat felt great too! Having been 3 weeks now, still having a great bill of health, with no traces of a cold, Coronavirus before. Still having a daily shot, just to keep my immune system good. As long as these nasty spores are floating around.
You Are Likely Coming Down With This
So there you have it! I urge you getting a bottle of Jim Beam Double Oak, Twice Barreled before you feel like your coming down with this crud. Stopping it in it's tracks, preventing it going any further. As you're likely getting the Coronavirus.
Curing_Bad Viscus_Bacteria_Corona_Virus
Matter of fact, like alcohol sanitizes surfaces, so it does inside you. Knocking out, curing all that bad vicious bacteria inside your body.
You Are Even More Likely Getting Over This Using This Remedy
Using typical precautionary measures, you're still likely coming down with a bug. Having best line of defense in your medicine cabinet, or liquor area is key.
COVID-19 - Coronavirus Disease Prevention
Never walking near someone who is sneezing, coughing, or looking like they are feeling ill. Washing your hands repeatedly, refrain from touching your face, when out in public. Some are even going as far as not shaking hands. Just using common sense keeping infection down to a minimum is what CDC expects all of us to do.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Stay home when you are sick.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
For information about handwashing, see CDC’s
Handwashing website
For information specific to healthcare, see CDC’s Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings
These are everyday habits that can help prevent the spread of several viruses. CDC does have specific guidance for travelers.
If this spreads, the more reason getting you a good bottle of bourbon whiskey! I'm keeping ample supply, just in case there's a shortage in coming weeks or months.
Always drink responsibly!
Besides a good Kentucky bourbon whiskey, a favorite coffee provides many benefits also!
Here are the BENEFITS of drinking BLACK COFFEE:
1. Improves Physical Performance
2. Aids in Weight Loss
3. Boosts Memory And Mental Alertness
4. Cleanses Your Stomach
5. Provides Antioxidants
6. Improves Your Mood And Fights Depression
7. Protects Against Gout
8. Improves Heart Health
9. Reduces Cancer Risk
10. Strengthens The DNA
11. Lowers Risk of Premature Death
12. Reduces Risk of Stroke
13. Lowers Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes
14. Helps Protect Against Cognitive Decline And Other Brain Problems -- Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease
As much as we all love coffee, the potential health benefits of drinking it are exciting news, but for some people, coffee can cause irritability, nervousness or anxiety when taken in high doses.
So, by all means, enjoy your morning habit, but keep these tips in mind with caution.
Get plenty of rest
Stay inside
Wash hands
Cover mouth when sneezing
Don't drive under influence
Eat wholesome foods
Drink lots of fluids, water, OJ, coffee
Get some good Kentucky bourbon whiskey!
Staying home, getting lots of rest. Taking naps at various times throughout the day. Staying home, watching your favorite shows, or doing what interests you. This is a good time picking back up on your hobby.
Not wanting to drive, unless you're just staying inside, say going on a site-seeing trip. But really, feeling like death warmed over, you'll probably won't even think of leaving home.
Eating highly nourishing foods, fruits and vegetables. A good product that does not fit into these is yogurt. Drinking lots of water. Many say 8 oz. per hour is a good amount to help flush your system.
Along with all the water you're drinking, in a separate glass, sipping on a good quality bourbon whiskey will get you back, feeling great in no time! For some, having a few ice-cubes in a glass may be enough water, as it melts for you.
Have you a few shots of Jim Beam each day, until you get better!
Only you can be the judge. For me, drinking it straight was making sure getting the undiluted dose.
You know, I rarely blog of other topics than house painting, but had to share this valuable information with you.
Just as Jim Beam Double Oak, Twice Barreled saved me tons of time, anguish, and sickness, getting back to normalcy in no time. This was similar to me just as your home ages, and paint breaks down. Calling a reputable painting contractor, saving you time, money, and energy. Updating, protecting one of your largest investments.
Preventing you coming down with this disease, or actually any bug, go out and grab you a 5th of some good quality whiskey.
Here's to your best health!
Please like, share, comment below. Like to hear from you.
Staying healthy is everyone's main concern. Giving you my latest resounding cure from this dreaded disease.
Preventing coming down with this feared germ is your primary concern. Knowing how to treat it in case you do fall victim to it, is your best line of defense.
So happy to get this information out, could hardly wait to start writing this article. Feeling like an old western medicine show, with this magic potion. Everything is over the counter, suggested below.
Be Prepared!
Understanding how a common cold, influenza spreads like wildfire. Across continents, into cities, infecting just about everyone, even at local schools.Having top level advice in your preparedness is essential.
All someone has to do is sneeze, then virus spores become airborne. Floating around, suspended in thin air, waiting for an unsuspecting host to walk by, breathing them in.
Listing below, exactly what I did just a few weeks ago, using this corrective antidote. After coming down with a cold or flu virus, that could very well have been the COVID-19.
No, and I'm not suggesting you run out, getting a dusk-mask, wearing it to go grocery shopping.
Therapeutic COVID-19 Remedy, Common Household Products
Therapeutic remedies curing COVID-19, Corona-virus, using common over-the-counter- household products, you'll be flat-out amazed. I feel like Doc on Gunsmoke, or Festus coming down with an aliment, as you will later understand.
Last month, watching the news, hearing a virus was spreading across China, taking several lives. Later, it was believed those taken ill by eating uncooked bat meat. I said, "Wow, those folks really need properly cook wild game meat".
Had no idea I'd discover a therapeutic remedy that is still working, a month later. Actually realizing same exact remedy that has cured countless individuals over last 150 years.
Do you cook your meat medium or well done?
If you don't cook Pork, you can become very ill. Several years ago, heard where a young lady started having massive headaches. Weeks later, after doing a cat-scan, doctors removed a microorganism, a worm-type slug the size of a fingernail from the back of her upper neck.
I said, "I don't have to worry about bat meat, or uncooked pork thank goodness. Went on about my daily activities.
Hearing this again in the news, China was shutting down entire cities, with only a handful of cases. Seemed like this was very unusual and over the top, but since being a Communist country, it did not seem too out of place.
By that time, hearing China was shutting down three metropolitan cities. I was wondering if my placebo sickness was kicking in, feeling ill at the same time.
Remembered staying up late that evening, wanting something sweet. Went out to our freezer in the garage, taking out 2 Outshine Lime Fruit Bars, bringing back in eating them.
Seemed like after consuming the second fruit bar, my throat felt scratchy, but went on to bed. They tasted OK, but not sure if they both were freezer burned, riddled with bacteria or not. Felt right after eating them, something was diffidently wrong with my throat.
That next morning, my head was filled with congestion. Feeling like I was run over by a truck. Took a couple of Advil, which seemed to ease the pressure only for a short while.
Believe this was on a Wednesday , knowing our family doctor is off on Fridays through Sunday. Not going to see him on Thursday, I knew I was on my own till Monday. If not better on Monday, I was going to be his first patient.
Gathering Meds to Cure Corona Virus
Driving around that next morning, my cold was in full swing. Sneezing, my entire upper body felt pressure, and congested, I said "That's all I need". Being over 60, I was getting a little concerned of my upper respiratory pressure.
Driving past a Walgreens™, I said to myself, I'm heading in, finding something! Walked down the cold isle where most of these medicines are shown. So many to choose from, it was like walking through a sea of choices.
Many different cold medicines, all different prices, thinking the highest priced, would be the best. So, found most expensive medication on the shelf.
Picked up Sambucol Black Elderberry Cold & Flu Relief (30 ea )30 ea and headed right over to the pharmacist. Asking if he's heard of good results of people using this. Had never asked a pharmacist before, but this time, wanting to make sure, as I desperately wanted to get rid of this nasty cold. Having no idea if it was the COVID-19 or not. Didn't care at this point.
To my surprise, the pharmacist on duty said NO.
I was surprised with his answer, but glad of his honesty. Went on to say "That is just a home remedy, and would not find much relief". Asking him what he would recommend, he pointed to the vitamin isle, closest to both of us, in plain view. Suggesting Echinacea, which supports immune system health. Not feeling like this was going to do the trick, but bought them anyway. Figuring he must know something, I didn't.
Instructing me, take 2 capsules of Echinacea morning and night. Drink plenty of water, and Orange juice, getting vitamin C, and get plenty of rest. Everything we've heard all our lives, except of taking Echinacea.
Orange juice
Plenty of water
Vick's Vapor Rub
Cough drops
Good Bourbon Whiskey
Plugging in the ol' vaporizer, using Vick's salve, smelling like a medicine cabinet. Buying a full family pack of Kleenex ready to use, back at home. I felt like I had just been to a local medicine wagon with all the sore throat lozenges, salves, and pills.
Telling me to take these morning and evening, along with a daily dose of orange juice, I stocked up on both. Flushing as much out as possible, drinking plenty of water. Boy did I drink a lot that day. Not seeing any immediate results, I knew I was combating this virus head-on.
After already taken Echinacea, massive amounts of vitamin C, and plenty of drinking water one full day, still not feeling much better. Knowing I needed to get over this, questioning if this was the Corona virus, but really didn't matter, feeling so bad.
Driving around, but careful not exposing others, just stayed in my truck. Making visits viewing future paint jobs we have scheduled, wiping and blowing my nose, making notes at each location. Moving to the next address, doing the same.
On my way back home, seeing that same Walgreens™ on the corner. Feeling that anything I've done for one day hasn't kicked in yet. My throat still felt rough, likely coming down with a massive cough very soon! You know that feeling. How you feel with an approaching cough that day before you really get it. Well, I was feeling that same anticipated cold symptom.
Man, I can dredge through a stopped up nasal passages, but a cough? A cough alerts everyone around you, disrupting sleeping patterns, and just horrible for yourself and close others.
In that same shopping center where Walgreens™ is located, viewing a large liquor store.
Remembering sore throats, coughs, and whiskey. Great having some good whiskey on hand for approaching, and aggravating cough has for many years, has always been a great home remedy medication.
My Antidote To Cure Corona-virus
Pulling right up, going into larger liquor store, went straight to the bourbon isle. Passing up vodka, tequila, seeing some very common brands. Looking over a massive selection, my eyes fixed upon Jim Beam's Double Oak. Twice Barreled, I could tell it would be very smooth. Looked really smooth.
Walking up to the cashier, a large man at the end of the register who was there to help bag, or box everyone's selections. Mine only one bottle, we had time to chat for a brief moment while my order rang up.
Mentioned to him I felt bad, coming down with something, throat sore, and expecting a cough soon. The more reason getting this! Getting rid of what ever I was coming down with. Reassured me this was a very smooth, higher quality whiskey.
Had to take matters in my own hands, getting serious, as fine whiskey is nothing to sneeze about. When you sip, slurp, or sallow a shot of whiskey, you know it. Cannot mistake it from any other thing. No other medication tastes like this, actually doing something.
Well, brought it home around 1pm, opened the seal, and poured couple shots over few ice cubes. Sipped on it several hours, working on my desktop computer. As the evening progressed, kept adding few more ice cubes, filling cocktail glass with more Jim Beam.
I assume, after having 5-6 shots over a 5-6 hour period, after slurring a few text messages, I went on upstairs to bed. Falling right to sleep, slept all night long.
Woke up the next morning, bright and early, I felt like a new person! Never having any ruminates of the congestion I had the day before!
I Was Cured!
What's even better, my throat felt great too! Having been 3 weeks now, still having a great bill of health, with no traces of a cold, Coronavirus before. Still having a daily shot, just to keep my immune system good. As long as these nasty spores are floating around.
You Are Likely Coming Down With This
So there you have it! I urge you getting a bottle of Jim Beam Double Oak, Twice Barreled before you feel like your coming down with this crud. Stopping it in it's tracks, preventing it going any further. As you're likely getting the Coronavirus.
Curing_Bad Viscus_Bacteria_Corona_Virus
Matter of fact, like alcohol sanitizes surfaces, so it does inside you. Knocking out, curing all that bad vicious bacteria inside your body.
You Are Even More Likely Getting Over This Using This Remedy
Using typical precautionary measures, you're still likely coming down with a bug. Having best line of defense in your medicine cabinet, or liquor area is key.
COVID-19 - Coronavirus Disease Prevention
Never walking near someone who is sneezing, coughing, or looking like they are feeling ill. Washing your hands repeatedly, refrain from touching your face, when out in public. Some are even going as far as not shaking hands. Just using common sense keeping infection down to a minimum is what CDC expects all of us to do.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Stay home when you are sick.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
Facemasks should be used by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also crucial for health workers and people who are taking care of someone in close settings (at home or in a health care facility).
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
For information about handwashing, see CDC’s
Handwashing website
For information specific to healthcare, see CDC’s Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings
These are everyday habits that can help prevent the spread of several viruses. CDC does have specific guidance for travelers.
If this spreads, the more reason getting you a good bottle of bourbon whiskey! I'm keeping ample supply, just in case there's a shortage in coming weeks or months.
Always drink responsibly!
Besides a good Kentucky bourbon whiskey, a favorite coffee provides many benefits also!
Here are the BENEFITS of drinking BLACK COFFEE:
1. Improves Physical Performance
2. Aids in Weight Loss
3. Boosts Memory And Mental Alertness
4. Cleanses Your Stomach
5. Provides Antioxidants
6. Improves Your Mood And Fights Depression
7. Protects Against Gout
8. Improves Heart Health
9. Reduces Cancer Risk
10. Strengthens The DNA
11. Lowers Risk of Premature Death
12. Reduces Risk of Stroke
13. Lowers Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes
14. Helps Protect Against Cognitive Decline And Other Brain Problems -- Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease
As much as we all love coffee, the potential health benefits of drinking it are exciting news, but for some people, coffee can cause irritability, nervousness or anxiety when taken in high doses.
So, by all means, enjoy your morning habit, but keep these tips in mind with caution.
Get plenty of rest
Stay inside
Wash hands
Cover mouth when sneezing
Don't drive under influence
Eat wholesome foods
Drink lots of fluids, water, OJ, coffee
Get some good Kentucky bourbon whiskey!
Staying home, getting lots of rest. Taking naps at various times throughout the day. Staying home, watching your favorite shows, or doing what interests you. This is a good time picking back up on your hobby.
Not wanting to drive, unless you're just staying inside, say going on a site-seeing trip. But really, feeling like death warmed over, you'll probably won't even think of leaving home.
Eating highly nourishing foods, fruits and vegetables. A good product that does not fit into these is yogurt. Drinking lots of water. Many say 8 oz. per hour is a good amount to help flush your system.
Along with all the water you're drinking, in a separate glass, sipping on a good quality bourbon whiskey will get you back, feeling great in no time! For some, having a few ice-cubes in a glass may be enough water, as it melts for you.
Have you a few shots of Jim Beam each day, until you get better!
Only you can be the judge. For me, drinking it straight was making sure getting the undiluted dose.
You know, I rarely blog of other topics than house painting, but had to share this valuable information with you.
Just as Jim Beam Double Oak, Twice Barreled saved me tons of time, anguish, and sickness, getting back to normalcy in no time. This was similar to me just as your home ages, and paint breaks down. Calling a reputable painting contractor, saving you time, money, and energy. Updating, protecting one of your largest investments.
Preventing you coming down with this disease, or actually any bug, go out and grab you a 5th of some good quality whiskey.
Here's to your best health!
Please like, share, comment below. Like to hear from you.