7 Foods That Make You Look Younger | Anti Aging Foods

7 Foods That Make You Look Younger 

look younger

 Anti Aging Foods

Have you at any point taken a gander at somebody and figured, "How would they remain so youthful?" The answer regularly has something to do with it not being that simple; be that as it may, that is not by any means obvious. 

On the off chance that an individual wants to look and feel younger for longer, the person can. First, exercise plays an important role in somebody's young appearance, just as getting enough rest and avoiding unwanted stress.

That’s not always easy, but the last piece of the fountain-of-youth puzzle is simply a good diet. Fighting off wrinkles and age spots depends exceedingly on what you eat and how much water you drink. 

Always remember the significance of appropriate hydration when considering the prosperity of your skin. With that in mind, take a look at a few key foods that will ward off the effect of aging on our skin. 



A highly used spice in India that has recently found its way into the western diet, turmeric fights cancer and inflammation, plus it adds great taste to any dish. Many people have found that it has a positive effect on mood and can increase our energy. Best of all it hinders how rapidly we age. 



Another in the list of foods that have recently grown exponentially in its popularity is avocado. Known for being high in healthy fat, eaten regularly, it can lower cholesterol and help the skin recover from wounds and trauma. Vitamin C it contains provide the skin with antioxidants, leaving it looking and feeling younger. 



Staying in the same vitamin C vein, oranges, along with the other citrus fruits can provide the skin with other necessary minerals. Folic acid in citrus fruits promotes heart and circulatory health. 



If you eat too much, you might have a slight problem trying to get close to your date. But, the good news is that your skin will look good while you’re trying. Working along with the citrus fruit, it also helps improve circulation and lowers cholesterol. Again, both of these components make your skin look youthful and smooth. 



When you hear tomatoes, lycopene normally comes to mind. It’s what gives this fruit its fantastically rich color, but it’s also a powerful antioxidant. Perhaps the greatest benefit to eating tomatoes has nothing to do with the high vitamin A and C content, nor the folic acid that it contains. Instead, lycopene’s ability to protect against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays is what puts the great-tasting and versatile red tomato on our list for skin-protecting foods.



Antioxidants, antioxidants, antioxidants. Like location, location, location when it comes to real estate. The secret to healthy-looking skin comes from antioxidants, and that’s exactly what blueberries provide us. They also fight inflammation and joint pain. Adding these and other berries to a daily smoothie will do wonders for your skin. 


Dark Chocolate 

No rundown of sustenances that positively affect the skin is finished without dark chocolate. While not the same smooth substances as milk chocolate, this darker counterpart is also packed with antioxidants that fight those harmful UV rays and keep the skin healthy.

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