Does eating rice increase body weight?


eating rice increase body weight

If eating rice makes anyone fat, then entire south India would be going through the problem of obesity

In fact, the healthiest country of the world Japan, which has the obesity rate of just 3.2% as compared to the 31% in the USA would be also going through the problem of obesity and almost everyone in Japan would be fat as White rice in Japan is the most consumed food item.

But in reality, Japan has an extremely low rate of obesity

So it would be clear to you that simple white rice doesn't have that power to turn around anyone FAT.

It is the bad/unactive lifestyle which will make you fat,

Which includes

1.A poor diet composed of junk and processed foods

2.Overconsumption of calories

3.Bad sleep patter

4.Living in a negative mind state

5.Too much stress

6.Excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking

7. No physical activity

when all of these bad habits collectively integrate than you get fat and that too not in a single day but over a course of a period of time,

This is why white rice can never make you fat, but overconsumption or binge eating of it can.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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